Uğur Employees Who Have Successfully Completed Their Training Have Been Rewarded

uğur employees who have successfully completed their training have been rewarded

   Uğur Cooling Incorporated Company, which continuously provides training to its employees, rewarded the educational achievements shown in 2016 and gave out the gifts to the winners. In these trainings, the importance was given to career achievements as well as to social responsibility awareness achievements. In this context;

Leadership Training for Blue Collar Administrative Staff Candidates. The training, which was previously given to white collar employees, was given to blue collar and administrative staff candidates this time. As it is known, the topics of change leadership, change management and adaptability were mentioned in this training, a special presentation prepared by Yekta Özözer raised the issue on how to respond to the problems that may arise during the change. Thus, both white and blue collar employees have received a professional and specialized training in creative problem solving, management and motivation.
Employee who have read the most books in Uğur Library was rewarded. Uğur Cooling, which started a special project for its employees to read books in spare time, has set up a mobile library and started some activities that encourage reading. In this context, two employees who read the most books were rewarded with a surprise gift and plaque. The plaque and award were presented by Human Resources Training and Development Supervisor.

Uğur Campus Training and Encouragement Award. Adem Marangoz, the domestic sales responsible of Uğur Campus, which was established to provide training to dealers, service and employees, was awarded with the plaque and gift for making the most effort and incentive work in this direction.
10 Employees who have received the most training were Rewarded. Uğur Campus, the educational system of Uğur Cooling corporation, presented plaques and prizes to 10 employees who have received the most training in 2016. As a result, both professional and personal development of employees was encouraged.

     Uğur Cooling will carry on its educational activities in 2017 and continue rewarding the professional and social achievements of its employees.

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