Environment Policy
Production of domestic and commercial freezers/coolers:
- To obey all legal regulations and necessity while carrying out all of our activities
- While continuously improving our environmental performance, we try to increase the environmental awareness of our employees
- Developing environmental friendly and low energy consumption products
- To use global sources efficient and encourage recycling
- Prevent or to minimize the environmental pollution by controlling our waste
- We ensure public awarenes by holding open the environmental management system to interestes parties
- To implent and maintain Environmental Management System, make a periodically review to achieve the goals and objectives.
Our Quality!
Quality is a lifestyle in Ugur Cooling Inc. Co.
Our Quality Management System!
It is to sustain, develop our Quality Management System based on the internationally-accepted TS-EN ISO 9001 and follow-up the results with measurable and comparable data.
Our Quality Certificates
TS EN ISO 9001 : 2008
Internationally acknowledged TS EN ISO 9001 : To maintain and develop Our Quality Management System which was established according to 2008 Quality Management System Standard and to follow-up its results with measurable, comparable data.
ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System
This is a range of standard 14001 Environment Management System Standard which is developed to minimize and, if possible, eliminate the damages that facilities caused or will cause to environment and standardise this system.
ISO 10002:2004 Customer Satisfaction Management System
ISO 10002:2004 is a business standard which is designed to maximize profitability, income and customer satisfaction. It is a management approach which enable company to establish long-term relationship with its current and potentialcustomers and to develop these relationships.
OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
OHSAS 18001 standard is a management model that stipulates to systematically keep the practices which can impact the health and safety of employees in the workplace under control. Generally occupational safety term includes protecting the employees, workplace and production from all kinds of danger and damage.
ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System
Information Security Management System is a mangement system standard that is formed to manage and provide security of critical information stored in electronic environment in organizations, and ISO 27001 Information Security Management System is a mangement standard to provide safety controls for preventing third parties to Access information assets within the workplace.
ISO 50001 Energy Management System
Main purpose of ISO 50001 is to increase energy performance and efficiency and determine energy decrease opportunities and to help in environmental processes.
ISO 31000:2011 Risk Management System
Risks affecting organizations can have consequences in terms of economic performance and professional reputation, as well as environmental, safety and societal outcomes. Therefore, managing risk effectively helps organizations to perform well in an environment full of uncertainty.
ISO 28000:2007 Security Management System For The Supply Chain
ISO 28000:2007 specifies the requirements for a security management system, including those aspects critical to security assurance of the supply chain. Security management is linked to many other aspects of business management. Aspects include all activities controlled or influenced by organizations that impact on supply chain security. These other aspects should be considered directly, where and when they have an impact on security management, including transporting these goods along the supply chain.
ISO 22301:2012 Business Continuity Management System
ISO 22301:2012 specifies requirements to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve a documented management system to protect against, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise.
>ISO IEC 20000-1:2011 Information Service Management System
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 is a service management system (SMS) standard. It specifies requirements for the service provider to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve an SMS. The requirements include the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services to fulfil agreed service requirements.
Our Customers!
It is to respond to the needs and expectations of our customers and provide them with the most economical service during our pre-sale and after sale activities.
Our Human Resources!
To follow a responsible human resources policy by seeing our employees, who are the architects of our success and competitive advantage in our fields of activity, our most valuable essence; to insure personnel satisfaction and continuity, to improve personnel motivation and sense of belonging and to insure the designation of competences related to duties and responsibilities and their improvements.
Our Suppliers!
It is to improve our business relations with our suppliers who are our strategic partners, and maintain continued cooperation and grow and develop with them.
Constant Improvement!
It is to provide for measurable improvements at every stage of our processes, keep an innovative and competitive standing, move on with objectives, constantly improve systems, ensure the continuity of the improvement of our products and human resources and adopt constant improvement as a lifestyle.
Natural environment!
It is to protect the natural environment and leave a habitable nature to the forthcoming generation by means of starting first in our departments.