Uğur Cooling Employees Attended Blood Donation Campaign

uğur cooling employees attended blood donation campaign

     Uğur Cooling employees also participated and supported the "Blood Donation" campaign initiated by the Turkish Red Crescent Nazilli Branch and donated blood in the blood donation room set within the administrative building. The blood donation campaign that the Turkish Red Crescent has been maintaining since 2005 collects 2,500,000 units of blood every year with the volunteers support from all over Turkey. In this direction, blood donations of 9-10 thousand units were obtained daily in 2016. The target for 2017 is a total number of 2.550.000 units of blood. Uğur Cooling Nazilli branch employees also supported the Turkish Red Crescent to reach this target.

     Donating blood is not just a social responsibility, the donor has a variety of benefits. The benefits of blood donation are as follows:

  • Reduces the lubrication of bone marrow, blood production is kept alive.
  • New cells are secreted to substitute the donated blood, this allows the donor to feel more vigorous and alive.
  • Blood donation reduces the amount of fat in the blood.
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack by 90%.
  • There is a significant contribution to the relief of headaches, stress, high blood pressure and fatigue.
  • Each donated blood is scanned for AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis blood group. In other words, the donor gets these tests free of charge.
  • The moral value of blood donation, which is a humanistic, noble and honorable behavior, is too big to measure.

     Blood donation is easy, simple and painless. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 65, who weighs at least 50 kg and does not have a major health problem, can donate blood. Before donating, however, you should report about all medications you use to your blood center doctor in advance. Men can donate blood four times a year, once every 3 months, and once every 4 months, three times a year for women. At each donation 450 ml of blood is taken at a time. This amount is reproduced within hours.

     Uğur Cooling invites everyone who is aware of social responsibility to participate in the ongoing blood donation campaign on 19 January 2017 and between 10:30 - 18:00 hours.

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