Uğur Cooling, Continues to In-house Trainings without Having any Break

Uğur Cooling which adopted innovative and environment friendly approaches as company policies, continued training its employees, department managers, and top managers in this direction also in last months of 2016, without having any break. At the first training given in this context, a study performed about the project of transition to SAP system. Within scope of the study, also a special presentation included which was conducted by Yekta Özözer. As it is already known, Yekta Özözer who worked as mid-level and top manager at the companies such as Citybank, Colgate-Palmolive, and Coca-Cola, is continuously consulting and training mostly ISO 150 companies and 65 big companies which are located abroad, on the subjects of Creative Problem Solving, Administration, and Motivation, since 2003 In this context, Özözer who shared his decades of experience with Uğur cooling employees and top managers, conducted a presentation with subject of "Increasing teams´ energy and adaptation to changes by determining the problems occurring in the SAP transition and integration process and their solutions" and constitutively mentioned the subjects stated below:
- Leading the Change
- Change Management
- Adaptation Ability
Thus, employees and top managers of Uğur Cooling which successfully completed the project of transition to SAP system in October 2016, gained a valuable experience about how to handle the problems which may occur in the future integration works.
Uğur Cooling which aims to leave a clean environment to future generations and which is one of the first environment-friendly corporational brands of Turkey with its energy saving deep freezer designs, conducted a special training named "Waste Management" with Environmental Engineer / Coordinator Environment Officer Cansu Yadigar CAN´s attendance for its department managers and employees. A lot of subjects were discussed at the training, such as decreasing the waste at its origin, separating according to its characteristics, collecting, storing temporary, recycling, moving, disposal and control after disposal and similar processes. Uğur Cooling which believes that an efficient waste management work will ensure leaving a clean and safe biologic, physical, social, economic and cultural environment to the next generations, will continue to its in-house educations and trainings with same tenacity and determination.