Uğur Campus Site Merged With Uğurlu Kariyer Site

Offering all its dealers and authorized services training on Ugur Campus Site, Ugur Cooling has completed the renewal efforts that combined the service offered on this site with Ugurlu Kariyer web site. Offering its employees and authorized services the opportunity to train on Ugur Campus, Ugur Cooling has completed the renewal efforts integrating “Ugurlu Kariyer” web site with the service offered on this site. Now “Ugur Campus” trainings will be accessed through “Ugurlu Kariyer” web site.
Constantly investing into people and training within the scope of the project “Education For All”, Ugur Cooling continues to utilize all possibilities technology offers in order to assist its employees and business partners to adapt to the ever-changing global conditions.
You can use this link to reach Ugur Campus site : http://www.ugurlukariyer.com/kampus . Users who input their usernames and passwords can continue their remote training sessions same as before. Likewise, mobile software of Ugur Campus developed for iOS and Android platforms will continue to be used. You can find the link for this software above in the page we shared.
Obtaining a more dynamic structure with its rich technical content after the merge, “Ugurlu Kariyer” web site continues to offer opportunities for a career and internship a Ugur Companies Group. Embracing the principal of “Right person for the right job”, Ugur Cooling aims at ensuring the continuity of quality human resource that will create a competitive edge with “Ugurlu Kariyer” web site. Ugur Cooling was awarded the “İnsana Saygı” (Respect for People) award by kariyer.net web site more than once and will continue to use innovative human resources applications and make sure that its employees are always a step ahead of the competition.