Coaching and Mentorship Program to the Employees at Ugur Cooling

Ugur Cooling who adopts the constant development for the employees as a principle, has started a coaching and mentorship program for the personnel for contributing to their personal development.
AIM Human Resources provide the determination of the activity steps for having the personnel actualize their targets, for increasing the performance of the employee in accordance with his targets with his strong and open-ended aspects and to provide the personnel mirror himself during the process at the one on one interviews made regularly to the employees of Ugur Cooling in coordination with Coaching, Consultancy and Training Services.
It was aimed to have the employees reach their career targets by supporting their professional developments with "Leadership and Coaching" program given by AİM Consultancy company to the executive candidates.
The Human Resources made a statement related with the subject as " It is our main purpose to bring different points of view to the employees and to disclose their potential. Our employees have started face-to-face interviews with the consultant in regular periods for developing their performances and planning their career in accordance to their talents and tendencies. In this project which we believe that it shall be beneficial for our employees, it shall be pleasing for us to see that our employees increase their performances by learning constantly and using the resources more efficiently. I thank everybody, particularly my company executives for providing the actualization of this program. ” and the statement ended.