A Prize From Crystal Apple for the Advertisement of Uğur Cooling

Uğur´s ´Seasoned´ concept advertisement was deemed worthy of a prize at the 28th Crystal Apple Festival, an organization arranged by the Advertising Association.
Crystal Apple Organization, bringing together advertising, promotion and communication professionals of Turkey every year, was held in Istanbul between 5-7 October 2016. Throughout the day there were exhibitions, seminars and events at the festival and the awards of successful studies found their owners in a ceremony.
The number of participants passed over 10,000 people in the sessions 17 senior managers of total 46 international speakers shared their experiences and opinions.
Ugur Cooling emphasized the economic benefits of the use of freezer ‘Seasoned’ work received the Silver Apple award by the jury of the organization. The press - regional contest, second prize Silver Apple in the consumer durables category were taken by Kaf.
What is Crystal Apple?
Crystal Apple is the largest of Turkey and one of the world´s few organizations where Advertising industry come together. Each year, over 11,000 participation with a scene of communication, advertising and marketing Crystal Apple stands out as the most important platform where professionals can exchange ideas.
The awards of communication found their owners of the first and most respected field of Turkey Crystal Apple continues to be the peak of creativity for future generations with seminars and Industry sessions.