3 Red Awards for Ugur Cooling Press Advertisements

3 red awards for ugur cooling press advertisements

     13th Red Awards organization held at Performance Arts Center in Beşiktaş on 26 May 2016 brought together the leading representatives of advertisement and marketing sector. In the ceremony, Kaf; with its campaign prepared for Ugur Cooling Inc. Co., was granted red award in “ The most durable consumption product advertisement” category in the regional press and “ The best small budget- advertisement campaign” category in regional and national press. 

     Kaf Agency’s works which were designed upon the “ Seasoned” concept and in which the economic utilities and the freshness of fruits and vegetables within winter season are explained while they are being kept in Ugur deep freeze for months were appreciated by the elective Jury which consists of the leading representatives of the advertisement sector.

     Corporate Marketing Manager made an explanation thereof, stating that; “we as Ugur Cooling take place continuously in visual press and digital media and trying to be permanent in mind. We are very happy to see that our attempts and projects are appreciated by the public and in such organizations as well. We thank to all who contributed these works in which the utility and economic advantage of Ugur deep freeze came to the forefront .”

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